Friday, May 18, 2007


Just to clarify something I put in another post...

I had mentioned the temperature inside the home where you keep your chinchilla. It should be 75 degrees or less. As in, 75 is the very maximum. Remember, we are from a mountain environment and unlike humans we don't sweat because in the wild they don't need to! Plus, imagine wearing this fur coat in 80 degree weather! It's really warm, let me tell you! To keep your chinchilla cool, give him or her a frozen ceramic tile to lay on (as long as it isn't glossed with bad chemicals) or a frozen bottle of water wrapped up in a piece of fleece (to ensure the bottle doesn't get chewed and leak). Chinchillas like to chinchill, not chin-ROAST!

Here's a link to an excellent product for helping your chin to chill -


Richard said...

For people who want to learn more about housing Chinchillas, visit chinchilla cages to learn which cages are the best for your Chinchilla. said...

What a great site - shame it has not been updated for some time do you still have your Chinchilla cage

brandylabranche said...

I give my chinchilla tiles to lay on, but sometimes she doesn't lay on them when shes hot? And because of this, I can't help but feel bad that I am not cooling her down fast enough. I limited our play time to shorter and more often, which seems to help, but I fear for the summer!? Help?

Martina said...
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Martina said...

Cool looking blog, and for all visitors who want to learn more about chinchillas and other small exotic pets visit:

Meteowrite said...

I like your blog. We should follow each other. Mine is

rory-reilly said...

To keep your chinchillas cool freeze a bottle of water then give it to them wrapped in a towel. They love snuggling up against it.

Find me at

or my chinchilla blog at

Natalie Kay said...

I just posted about my new class pet Chinchilla! She's so cute! Read about her at

ChinnieShop said...

I agree with you 75 at max, I usually try to keep mine between 68-72 since they are cold weather animals. I wrote about it on my blog, check it out when you get a chance,, its the blog to my chinchilla shop conveniently names Our love for these little furballs has helped us open up something we enjoy...

Unknown said...

I am a loving owner of a 10 year old chinchilla! The other day I was playing with him and found a special massage that he loves. Check it out:

clar said...

Thanks for this idea. This will help me alot. Try to check this too
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